New Apple iPhone X 256 GB Gray

Sort reviews by: Date ↑ Date ↓ Rating ↑ Rating ↓ Show rated reviews: Any 1 2 3 4 5 Quick. Beautiful. Stylish. Not much outdated since it was introduced 3 years ago. Availability. All leftovers are practically sold out. I mean new, not rebuilt. Before that, there was an old SE for 4 years. In 2021, he began to slowly wither away and it became clear that he needed to buy a new iPhone. I wanted to take a new SE, because I don't like shovels and pay 50 thousand for a phone. IPhones Xr, 11, 12 are larger and inconvenient for one-handed use. Quite unexpectedly, I managed to get a brand new 256 GB X for about the same price. Still, the time of phones with touch ID has already passed, although I think the best iPhone is the seven and its derivatives. And so a dozen is a very decent device for its money, which looks good and, most importantly, works great even in 2021. Face id works well. It is convenient to unlock your phone in inclement weather. You get used to the lack of a button in a day. I am a regular user. I don't really play games. I use my phone for work, internet, music, shoppi New Apple iPhone X 256 GB Gray ng, etc. Charging is quiet enough for the whole day. Therefore, whoever wants to own an iPhone of 256 gigs at a price of up to 50 thousand, feel free to take it. Better iPhone for this money can not be found. Convenient location and great deals 👍🏼 The phone was brought in good condition. Great camera just super. Looks nice showing off to friends Sometimes it can be dull. Games pulls just nowhere, it's a car on it, you can run cyberpunk if it was possible 11 has a much better camera A very comfortable and large phone. I recommend to everyone! An almost perfect and modern phone that is ideally balanced in terms of price and technical capabilities. Cons: the price is above average, the average selfie camera and night photography. The top bezel gets in the way a little, there is no headphone jack and there is not enough fingerprint. large screen with excellent color reproduction, the phone is perfectly balanced in hand and weight, excellent performance and long work - enough for 1-2 days of active work, dual external camera, contactless charging. In winter, the phone holds up to -15, under water - I have not tested it.


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