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The hero of the Hotel Rwanda saved people from genocide. Now from exile he went to jail
Rusesabajina has repeatedly criticized the current President of Rwanda Paul Kagame
Rwandan Paul Rusesabajina, the protagonist of the 2004 Oscar-nominated film Hotel Rwanda (played by American actor Don Cheadle), found himself in the dock in his homeland after being denied bail on Thursday.
In April-July 1994, events took place in Rwanda, recognized by the world community as genocide.
About 800,000 people from the Tutsi ethnic minority were killed by the Hutu with the support of the government, which also consisted of Hutu.
Rusesabajina, at the time the manager of a fashionable hotel in the capital of Kigali, himself being a Hutu, sheltered about 1,200 Tutsis from reprisals. He used his connections among the top Hutu, but according to the assessments of the participants in the events, he risked his life anyway.
After the release of the film "The Rwanda Hotel", George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Since 1996, Rusabajina lived in exile in Belgium and the United States. He received Belgian citizenship and an American green card.
At the beginning of this century, he became an opponent of Rwandan authoritarian leader Paul Kagame. He managed to achieve economic success, but is criticized for authoritarianism and the suppression of civil liberties.
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The Rwandan authorities and even some of the people rescued by Rusesabajina accused him of using his fame for political purposes.
Rusesabajin was played by American actor Donald Frank Cheadle (left)
On August 29, Rusesabajina, who was at that time in Dubai, disappeared and appeared a few days later in Kigali, arrested and handcuffed. Relatives of the oppositionist living in Texas say he was kidnapped.
The interview that Rusesabajina gave with the permission of the authorities on Tuesday to the New York Times in a cell in the building of the capital's police department, where he is being held, in the presence of his lawyers and plainclothes operatives, did not clarify.


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