Computer Accessories in Kigali

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Personal experience: computer glasses GUNNAR Optiks
One of the first questions ophthalmologists ask their patients today is: "Is your job somehow connected with computers?" A rhetorical question - today, even if not work, then the leisure of many is associated with computers, tablets, smartphones, in a word, with screens located at a fairly close distance from the eyes. In the West, the complex of problems associated with vision, characteristic of people who have been working at a computer for a long time, have been combined into a computer vision syndrome - Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
Surely its manifestations are well known to many of our readers - "sand under the eyelids", "burning eyes", blurred vision, double image, difficulty refocusing, headache, etc. Some of the symptoms are similar to banal lack of sleep, some are directly related to prolonged eye strain. And believe me, Visine and similar drugs do not relieve the problem, but simply mask its external manifestations - reddened eyes. You can read more about computer vision syndrome on the All About Vision website.
In principle, the prevention of computer vision syndrome is quite simple, and universal recommendations are suitable here. Take a break every half hour and look into the distance, blink more often, use the correct workplace lighting, do not work (play) in complete darkness, reduce the amount of glare around the monitor, reduce the use of fluorescent lamps in favor of "full spectrum" lamps, replace the old CRT - LCD monitor, in addition, do not use monitors with a low flicker backlight, reduce the brightness of the image, lower the color temperature, etc., etc. The only problem is that many neglect or cannot, for one reason or another, fulfill these fairly simple requirements.
In severe cases, it is necessary to drip several times a day special drops, "artificial tear", moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye. The use of computer glasses can also be one of the preventive measures. For many, say, players who cannot take breaks during online battles, or play in a club where setting up a workplace is difficult, using glasses is an easier and more convenient method of prevention. In theory.
GUNNAR Optiks produces several lines of glasses - for PC users, for gamers, sunglasses and 3D glasses. We are interested in the first two categories. Both the Advanced Computer Eyewear series and the Advanced Gaming Eyewear use the same lens type, made with GUNNAR's proprietary i-AMP Lens Technology.
The shape of the lenses is selected so that the glasses fit as close to the eyes as possible, and the air movement under the lenses is minimal. This allows you  Computer Accessories in Kigali to maintain a higher (relative to the room) humidity in the eye area, reducing the drying out of the mucous membrane caused by a decrease in the frequency of blinking when working at the monitor.
GUNNAR glasses have a small plus, in the region of 0.25, which allows you to reduce eye strain during long-term fixation of the gaze at a close distance. In marketing descriptions, this sounds nice like pre-focus.
Most GUNNAR Optiks glasses have yellow (amber) lenses. They filter out the harsh blue light from fluorescent lights, which is more eye-tiring, and generally warms the picture by lowering the color temperature. For those for whom color accuracy is important (designers, photographers, etc.), there are glasses with colorless lenses.
For the manufacture of GUNNAR Optiks glasses, a lightweight material with high strength and improved optical properties is used. Anti-reflective coating reduces stray reflections and protects lenses from scratches.
Most GUNNAR Optiks glasses can be fitted with prescription corrective lenses according to your prescription. Moreover, both amber and transparent, with GUNNAR or ZEISS glasses. Naturally, such glasses will cost more.
Despite the fact that GUNNAR Optiks glasses were independently tested by specialists from the Pacific University of Oregon, during which a positive preventive effect in the fight against computer vision symptom was partially confirmed in a small group of subjects, no full-scale clinical trials have been carried out. So, we still do not have a complete confirmation of the therapeutic effectiveness of computer glasses. Without pretending to be a scientific approach, your humble servant also tested one of the GUNNAR glasses models.
I know very well what computer vision syndrome is (20 years at the computer


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